Patrick Byrne
2007-03-30 12:14:11 UTC
[ re-posted from digitalmars.D newsgroup ]
I have Code::Blocks installed (looks ace)
Selected (default) compiler is 'Digital Mars D compiler'
- compiler settings has 'add symbolic debug info [-g]' checked
- linker settings has, under 'Other linker options', '-g'
- Tool chain executables
- debugger is ddbg_gdb.exe (and I copied ddbg.exe to
'debugger initialization commands' is blank
When I try to step in to my 'hello world' program I get:
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Build succeeded
Selecting target: Debug
Adding source dir: c:\d\dmd\bin
Adding source dir: c:\d\hworld\
Adding source dir: c:\d\hworld\
Adding file: bin\Debug\hworld.exe
Starting debugger: done
Registered new type: wxString
Registered new type: STL String
Registered new type: STL Vector
Setting breakpoints
Program exited
Debugger finished with status 0
...the program runs fine on the command line.
Any ideas, please?
I have Code::Blocks installed (looks ace)
Selected (default) compiler is 'Digital Mars D compiler'
- compiler settings has 'add symbolic debug info [-g]' checked
- linker settings has, under 'Other linker options', '-g'
- Tool chain executables
- debugger is ddbg_gdb.exe (and I copied ddbg.exe to
'debugger initialization commands' is blank
When I try to step in to my 'hello world' program I get:
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Build succeeded
Selecting target: Debug
Adding source dir: c:\d\dmd\bin
Adding source dir: c:\d\hworld\
Adding source dir: c:\d\hworld\
Adding file: bin\Debug\hworld.exe
Starting debugger: done
Registered new type: wxString
Registered new type: STL String
Registered new type: STL Vector
Setting breakpoints
Program exited
Debugger finished with status 0
...the program runs fine on the command line.
Any ideas, please?